Welcome to the Team WillDu Blogspot!!

We are SO excited to be participating the in the 2007 Nike Women's Marathon benefitting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! The marathon is Sunday, October 21st in San Francisco. We're commited to walking the 26.2 mile course & to raising $26,200!! That's $1000 per mile!

The training & fundraising is off to a great start! We are just so honored & exciting to do this in honor of our friend Sara Swanner Northwood's nephew, Stephen Swanner, Jr. In June of 2004, he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). After successful chemotherapy, he went into remission this February. He will get to play football in the fall - his SENIOR YEAR!!

Candy & Jennifer

Candy & Jennifer
First Training!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007


No, we're not being "committed", but mom & I did fill "officially" recommit to the Nike Women's Marathon (an official part of the process). This is SO exciting!! It's so REAL now! We're thrilled that our "Honey" (my grandmother) is going with us. For those of you who are "in the know", you know that mom, Honey, and I are very close! We're blessed to have each other & it wouldn't be the same without there in San Francisco as we cross that finish line! We're also BEYOND pumped that our dear sweet friend Sara Swanner Northwood & her darling sister-in-law Janet Swanner (our honoree Stephen Swanner Jr.'s mom) will be coming to San Francisco to cheer us on! We cannot begin to tell you how much this means!!

If you're on our growing mailing list, you'll be getting an update letter from us next week. Mom wrote it (my apologies for the length - ha!). There truly is so much that we want to share with you (our gratitude, appreciation, VERY IMPORTANT stats about leukemia).

I can't believe that 2 months from now, we'll be finished!

Let me close this with 2 HUGE thank yous: First - THANK YOU to Stephen Swanner Jr. for being our honoree and allowing us to share his story and fight with this horrible disease with each of you. You are our HERO and INSPIRATION!
Second - to each and everyone of our friends and supporters! We couldn't do this without your financial support, emotional support, encouragement and prayers!

Thank you , thank you, thank you!

I'm about to board my last flight to Michigan! I finally get to visit Harbor Springs. Mom has enjoyed some fabulous weather while training for Nike. (Our Oklahoma team has had to battle the nasty Oklahoma weather - heat & humidity!). I'm looking forward to walking with mi madre (and playing with my "sisters" Molly & Lily (yorkies).

Blessings, Jennifer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You both will be missed in OKC this weekend! I'm (Re)committed for the Nike 1/2 Marathon! Can't wait for San Francisco... bring on the "Hills"... TNT has trained us well! C-ya next weekend!