Welcome to the Team WillDu Blogspot!!

We are SO excited to be participating the in the 2007 Nike Women's Marathon benefitting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! The marathon is Sunday, October 21st in San Francisco. We're commited to walking the 26.2 mile course & to raising $26,200!! That's $1000 per mile!

The training & fundraising is off to a great start! We are just so honored & exciting to do this in honor of our friend Sara Swanner Northwood's nephew, Stephen Swanner, Jr. In June of 2004, he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). After successful chemotherapy, he went into remission this February. He will get to play football in the fall - his SENIOR YEAR!!

Candy & Jennifer

Candy & Jennifer
First Training!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

New shoes, postcards, etc...

Sorry it's been a while since the last message! Lots going on! Mom (Candy) got out our "July Update" postcard! We just wanted to let everyone know how the fundraising & training is going! It's starting to warm up, so our Saturday trainings are starting early. Is it fun to get up at 5am to walk 12 miles? I'll admit, I (Jennifer) can be a little grouchy - after all, I have an "8am" rule. That is...I don't love to talk before 8am. I'm getting over that - I have to! Last Saturday, I walked with my teammate, Sherry Furseth. Mom recruited her & she's doing great! She is really raising some great $$ & awareness!

We're excited - we reached 60% of our fundraising goal this morning! Don't forget, you can still give! Either online, or you still mail it in!

One of the great benefits of participating is the support you get from TNT vendors. I was recently fitted for some new walking shoes & they ended up feeling like large clown shoes (not good). So, I went back to OK Runner (in Norman) where the wonderful owner, Gus helped fit me with some WONDERFUL new shoes! I mean this puppies really give me a new spring in my step! They're even cuter than the last pair! Don't get me wrong, you want the shoes to feel good, have the right support, etc - but it helps if they're cute! And they are! Check them out (see picture above left!)

As always, thank you for your AMAZING SUPPORT! We couldn't do this without all our friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Team Willdu,
I am so impressed with your commitment that I just doubled my donation. (Damn, Regina!) I'm with you all the way, if only in spirit.

Love you two!!!
Girlfriend Gail