Welcome to the Team WillDu Blogspot!!

We are SO excited to be participating the in the 2007 Nike Women's Marathon benefitting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! The marathon is Sunday, October 21st in San Francisco. We're commited to walking the 26.2 mile course & to raising $26,200!! That's $1000 per mile!

The training & fundraising is off to a great start! We are just so honored & exciting to do this in honor of our friend Sara Swanner Northwood's nephew, Stephen Swanner, Jr. In June of 2004, he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). After successful chemotherapy, he went into remission this February. He will get to play football in the fall - his SENIOR YEAR!!

Candy & Jennifer

Candy & Jennifer
First Training!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Walking just got more fun!!!!!!!

Just a quick blurb today! Mom & I are both walking like crazy - of course, Mom gets the great Michigan weather & scenery right now. I'm trying to cram training in between work, church, life, etc. I must share with you the funny thing that happened last Saturday at training. Actually - I'll give you the nutshell version. A cute (and younger) man...all of 30 years old, began to follow me along the Lake Hefner Park trails while I was walking. This started at about mile 7 and continued until about mile 10.5 - that's when I finally talked to him. He had been smiling & waving at me. I thought he must be crazy because I was sweaty, no make-up, and hair in pig-tails! But, he told me I thought I was cute just "chicking along" while I walked. I'm just glad I wasn't belting out some song from my iPod!! We chatted for a few minutes (I couldn't stay long - I didn't want to lose my pace!), phone numbers were exchanged, so...we'll see. Nevertheless, it made my day!!

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